Proverbs 15:19

the way of the upright is a highway”

Greetings in the name of our lord Jesus Christ. Righteousness is a free gift and by meditating the word of god everyday will strengthen us to live a godly life. We read that the way of the righteous is a highway. A highway is the main road which connects major towns and cities and also the route for any form of transport.

In today’s world, we have different kinds of transports but in the biblical era the mode of transport were mainly camels and donkeys. So, when its written that the path of the righteous is a highway then it does mean to say about the main route that would connect cities and villages of that time. In kings James Version, it says that the way of the righteous is made plain. Though the usage of the word is different the context in both remain the same.

A man living a righteous life will have hurdles but there will be a time when all those battles will be won and the righteous will emerge victorious. God will make the righteous to rule and through him god will bless not only his family but nations will be blessed. God will use that righteous person as a highway in connecting god with all the nations and people of this world. To bring gods message and will to the different parts and classes of the nations.

The life of Joseph is a good example to illustrate this. Young Joseph was a dreamer. He saw two dreams and told to his father Jacob and to his brothers for which they envied him. The dream meant as if Joseph would rise up high and all his brothers including his father bowing down before him (Gen37:6-11). See Joseph never had an intention to rule over his brothers but he just told his dream. He was innocent but they conspired to kill him but God’s grace saved his life and was finally sold as a slave to the Ishmaelites and sent to Egypt (Gen37:28). What happened to him was not fair at all but he still believed in the lord alone and lived a righteous life. He was then sold to Potiphar and Potiphar saw that the lord was with him that whatever he did flourished and was successful (Gen39:2). Joseph was still a slave. He was tempted by Potiphar’s wife but Joseph ran away saying how can he ever sin before god (Gen39:9). Oh, he was not only true to his worldly master Potiphar but was also true to the unseen god. He was jailed for doing the right thing. Yes, for doing the right thing. He really didn’t deserve it at all but yet lived a righteous life in the prison and the prison warden saw that whatever Joseph did prospered and he gave everything in charge of Joseph (Gen39:23). He didn’t do anything bad just because he was in prison with the bad people. It’s a clear message that circumstances should not be an excuse for a believer to live a righteous life.

Joseph had the wisdom to interpret dreams and he interpreted the dreams of the Butler and the baker in the prison. It was two different dreams of two different people but the spirit of the lord helped him to interpret the dreams and the butler was put back in position and his life was saved just according to his dream in three days but the other one was put to death just according to his dream in three days (Gen40:8-23). It’s interesting to see that god is speaking to Joseph in jail. It really means that god dwells with the righteous irrespective of the circumstances. For two years Joseph was forgotten by the butler though he promised Joseph to help him come out of the jail. But then the lord remembered Joseph through pharaohs dream. A dream for which the pharaoh wanted his magicians and wise men of egypt to interpret it. No one could interpret pharaohs dream and now the butler remembered joseph and told about him to the Pharaoh (Gen41:1-12). Joseph is brought before the pharaoh of egypt to interpret his dream and joseph interprets it through the spirit of god. The dream is about the seven prosperous years and the seven years of famine (Gen41:27). His interpretation makes Pharaoh to assign joseph as the ruler of all the land of Egypt (Gen41:40). Pharaoh lifts Joseph and sets him above all. He puts the signet ring on his hand and tells him that without his command no one can ever lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt (Gen41:41-44).

Do you see how joseph suffered for doing nothing wrong and being patient and obedient to the lord and waited only for god to lift him. He did what was right in the eyes of the lord and didn’t compromise his faith for anything else. Didn’t give excuses but moved forward by doing good and waited upon god alone. His beginning did seem to be a path of thorns but at the end god made his path plain. God made him to be a highway as it is only through Joseph that god connected his family in the time of famine and were given the land of Goshen (Gen47:11) It could have never been possible if joseph was not in charge of Egypt. Do not be weary if nothing is turning around for your righteous living. Gods eyes are always upon the righteous (Psa34:15) and he will make your way plain. He will use you as the highway in fulfilling gods dreams and visions that he has got fo his people. He is a never changing god. The god of Joseph will reward you surely. So be of good courage. With this I wish you a wonderful Christmas and a blessed new year 2018.

God bless you all. Amen.

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